Tax reporting in the European Union

Below we provide information on the local tax authorities in some of the countries where Wolt operates. For information on other countries, please contact your local tax authorities.

Please note that this information is for guidance and should be used as an example - it is your responsibility to know your tax obligations.


Tax authority: Valsts ieņēmumu dienest

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): Personal identification number or Taxpayer identification number

Example: DDMMYY99999 (date of birth + 5 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija (VMI)

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): Personal identification number or Taxpayer identification number

Example: 01234567890 (11 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Estonian Tax and Customs Board . Maksu- ja Tolliamet

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): Personal Identification Code or Isikukood

Example: 01234567890 (11 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: National Income Administration — Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : PESEL or Polish Resident Identification Number

Example: 01234567890 (11 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Ministarstvo financija porezna uprava

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Osobnom Identifikacijskom Broju or Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Example: 01234567890 (11 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Swedish Tax Agency — Skatteverket

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Skatteregistreringsnummer, Personnummer, Samordningsnummer, Personal identity number or Co-ordination number

Example: 01234567890 (10-12 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Federal Central Tax Office Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt)

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Steueridentifikationsnummer (Steuer-ID) or Tax Identification Number

Example: 01234567890 (10-12 digits)

Where to find it: Income tax assessment document, employment tax return or information letter from the Federal Central Tax Office

Czech Republic

Tax authority: Financial administration — Finanční správa

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Personal Identification Number or Rodné číslo

Example: 01234567890 (9-10 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Financial administration — Finanční správa

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Daňové identifikačné číslo or Tax Identification Number

Example: 01234567890 (10 digits)

Where to find it: Official documents issued by the tax authorities


Tax authority: Inland Revenue Department (IRD)

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Tax Number / Tax Identification Number / ID card number (only for Maltese Born Citizens)

Example: 0123456M (7 digits + letter ) / For foreigners - 012345678 (9 digits)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: National Tax and Customs AdministrationNemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal (NAV)

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : Adóazonosító jel or Tax Identification Number

Example: 0123456789 (10 skaitmenų)

Where to find it: on the TIN card


Tax authority: International citizen service center

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : CPR number

Example: 123456-7890(10 skaitmenų)

Where to find it: In an official identity document


Tax authority: Finančna Uprava Republike Slovenija - FURS (financial administration office of republic of Slovenia)

Taxpayer identification number (as known as): : tevilka davčnega zavezanca or Davčna številka or ID številka za DDV

Example: 01234567 (8 skaitmenų)

Where to find it: In an official identity document