
Anyone using Wolt's services in Salaspils can place orders at any day of the week. To make it easier for you, we share the opening times of the Wolt app, during which customers can place and you can receive orders.

Please find the delivery area map of Salaspils. The more restaurants and/or shops near you, the more likely you are to get orders and maximise your income.

It is a good idea to join in these areas and move towards them after deliveries have been made, thus maximising the number of delivery orders.

The Wolt Courier Partner App is showing the earnings for each task before you accept it or reject it . We want to make sure the earnings for each task take better into account the actual effort for a given task.

Payment and Pricing model

Please find a range of information that is relevant only to the city of Salaspils.

We will be open from 29 August

There is no any fixed price - each order is priced individually.

All about the Pricing model

Most active times for orders and earnings

$$ - the order amount is growing as well as your earnings

$$$ -very active -  it's peak hour with very good earnings

$$$$ - most active, productive time with best earnings

N.B. The experience of our Courier Partners confirms that best earnings comes by balancing time with peak hours and time before or after them.