What's coming up this month?

News and important reminders

The autumn competition is gaining momentum!

We would like to thank everyone who has already registered and is ready to take part in our autumn competition! We also hope that not everyone has registered for this one yet. And there is still plenty of time to do so! The first winner is already celebrating his victory! You can find out more about the competition here: https://www.woltpartner.lt/wolt-kurjeriu-partneriu-rudens-konkursas

Collective Benefits

On the Collective platform you can see all the discounts Wolt's courier-partners have given you on technology, food and beverages, your vehicle and much more! And the discounts keep on coming!To take advantage of these benefits, all you have to do is go to your Wolt Partner app, click on the three dashes in the top left and select the "Benefits and insurance" tab. A new window will open with a blue "Open dashboard" button.

Courier-partner website now in English!

Most of you have probably already checked out our courier partner website - www.woltpartner.ltWe would like to announce that from now on, the information on the website will be available in English as well! Don't forget that there is a lot of useful and relevant material and tips on this website that can help you run your business more smoothly.

Contactless delivery

This method of delivery hasn't gone anywhere!

To remind you of the rules of contactless delivery, we are sharing with you a link to our courier-partners' website:

September and autumn order marathon 💣

Congratulations on a new month and a new season. We all know that this season is marked by a high number of bookings. In autumn, as the terraces close, customers return from holidays and the weather conditions change, we see a very sharp spike in bookings and this autumn is no exception. On this occasion, we would like to share with you some tips on how to plan your joining time FULLY and what you should pay attention to in order to generate even more revenue.

1. More orders delivered = more revenue. Hence, it's worth joining when the number of orders is higher.

2. The best indicators of a higher number of orders are spades. At peak times, the number of orders is ALWAYS higher than at normal times.

3. The closer to the weekend, the higher the number of bookings (especially at peak times).

4. Friday is the hottest day of the week!

5. On the weekend, bookings pick up towards lunchtime and "hold" until the evening. This makes the whole weekend a great time to earn more.

6. The more restaurants around you, the more likely you are to earn a higher income!

⚠️ If you see messages about a lack of activity, the customer experience is really poor and after a while, new partners may reduce everyone's income a little. Therefore, please respond to these messages and join when you can, thus reducing the need for new partners and increasing your income.

⚠️ Don't forget the trend that orders at the beginning and middle of the month are much higher than at the end of the month, for a very simple reason - customers are getting paid, and at the end of the month it's already in the "austerity mode"

⚠️ Plan your time during the day - e.g. on weekdays, lunch orders start to "drop" before 11am, and most of the heroes log in around 12:30pm, so if you log in after 12 noon, you'll be delivering significantly fewer orders than if you logged in at 11:00 or 11:20am.

⚠️ Weekends - advance bookings start to "drop" right from the opening time of the city and reach their first peak around 12pm, then hold steady and rise even more at dinner around 5pm to 6pm - make the most of the opportunity!

Winners of the month 🏆

We have a nomination again this month! Winners in each city will receive prizes and gift vouchers from our partners ️

P.S. Each winner will be contacted by email!


Wolt Operations team