April Newsletter

Greetings in blooming April!🌸

We are excited to see the gardens and parks in the city blooming, and we all want to spend more time outside and enjoy the nice weather.🌞

In our business, this means a slightly calmer season. Also many of our Partners are coming back on the streets after the winter season break. Many choose to switch their car 🚙 with a bicycle or motorcycle as a vehicle for delivery.🛵

We would like to dedicate this month's Newsletter to valuable reminders for your safety and the safety of those around you, so that this spring-summer season is a success. 😊

If deliveries are made by car - please pay attention 💁‍♀️:

  • When making Wolt deliveries - you cannot carry passengers, even if they are members of your family.

  • Always wear your seat belt

  • Keep a safe distance from other vehicles

  • Observe road signs for parking - do not occupy disabled and family parking spaces

  • When driving, use only the hands-free mode of the phone permitted by the regulations

  • Only Wolt equipment intended for cars can be used for deliveries

If deliveries are made by bicycle or electric scooter - here are some reminders just for you💁‍♂️:

  • The sidewalk is not used for driving if a bike path is available

  • The fact that you make deliveries does not give you priority on the road

  • The bicycle must be equipped with lights and reflectors, even in the light season of the year

  • If the scooter is yours, it must be registered according to the latest regulations

  • Wear a helmet

  • Keep to the correct side of the road, show appropriate signs when about to turn or stop.

  • Traffic lights and road signs are also intended for bicycle and electric scooter riders

  • If you move along the sidewalk, be especially careful when driving past gates and yard exits - potentially the most dangerous places, from where pedestrians, children, and pets can unexpectedly appear.

  • Comply with parking rules at shopping centers, restaurants and merchants and at customer locations.

  • Do not use the phone while moving. It is most convenient to make deliveries if you have a phone hand wallet

  • Be especially careful when choosing your driving speed in wet and rainy weather.

Safety always comes first when delivering with Wolt

Please always drive carefully when making deliveries with Wolt, no matter what your vehicle for deliveries is. You will have to spend a lot of time on the road. Your safety and the safety of those around you is always a top priority.

This means that it is better to kill a few minutes when you arrive at a venue or customer than to drive recklessly, endangering yourself and others.

Many people on the streets and around are paying a lot of attention to how Wolt Courier Partners behave in traffic on the road when making deliveries and unfortunately, we receive a lot of news about how couriers do not follow traffic rules and create safety hazards.

We would like to kindly remind you that your actions directly affect you and your business, as any unpleasant situation creates negative emotions which can reduce customers' interest in Wolt and consequently your income may decrease. Therefore, we call for a professional attitude in everything, and thank you for that!

  • First of all, it is the responsibility of every Courier Partner to use a vehicle in good technical condition that does not endanger your safety or the safety of others.

  • Make sure you have the appropriate permits and insurance - Wolt provides free accident insurance for all Courier Partners, but it does not cover your vehicle or other equipment.

  • If you are a foreigner - please make sure that your driving license issued in your country is accepted here.

As a very responsible company, we at Wolt always keep an eye on what is happening and always react accordingly. We therefore urge you to follow the safety recommendations and traffic rules, to be responsible and to respect those around you, so that we can continue our cooperation in a long and successful way.

It is our greatest pleasure and pride to see you succeed successfully and professionally - that is why we are always here to support and help you. With the above in mind - we are confident that you will be successful.

Enjoy the spring🌸, start planning your summer business plans and definitely your summer⛱️ holidays!

Have a sunny one!🌞

And once again - we care about your safety - be careful and good luck!

Data protection and security👮

Have you ever considered the amount of personal information that is passed on to you every day? You are trusted by us at Wolt, by Customers and by Merchants. We appreciate the professionalism of every Courier Partner and the fact that the information is used exclusively for deliveries, however, from time to time we also encounter the opposite situations that lead to the termination of our cooperation.

Therefore, we sincerely remind you:

  • Your profile is for you and you alone - access to it must not be given to third parties, even if they are family members or close friends

  • You must not use customer data for more than the delivery of an order - it is a serious offense to use it for further communication with the customer

  • Passing data to third parties will lead to the permanent termination of cooperation and possible police involvement.